A tennis-playing, soccer-mad android takes on the world (while researching the meaning of life) – paperback edition of Ball Machine is out today!


The paperback edition of Ball Machine (The Inside Story of the Lies, Seductions and Sporting Triumphs of the Android Vitas Rodriquez) is now available directly from the print-on-demand publishers.

The paperback edition is also available on Amazon in the USA and the and in the UK. It should filter through to Barnes and Noble online stores in the next few days (or weeks!).

The ISBNs for the book are:

  • ISBN-13: 978-1502702579
  • ISBN-10: 1502702576
The author, with his proof copy.

The author, with his proof copy.


Next on the list for the full print / paperback treatment is the YA dystopian novel Outlivers. But the list is in flux, so it might be Lost in Thought. But before either of those are ready, the third book in the ‘Koriba’ series – ‘The Fire Within’ – will launch in ebook and print editions simultaneously. ‘The Fire Within’ is likely to be released within days.

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