What am I up to right now?

Right now, I’m finishing up a rather odd paranormal adventure / romance eco-thriller novel which will probably go out under a pen name.

I’m also planning / thinking about future novels, including a potential fifth book in the Koriba series; and entirely new series in a fantasy / medieval setting with swords and wizards and all that stuff; and pondering a third book in the Capgras series. What will I actually write? Your guess may not be quite as good as mine, but it’s probably close.

I’m also preparing for Spring by tidying up the garden, orchard and field, ready for the planting of more wildflower areas. This part of my efforts to turn a fairly dull agricultural field used for grazing sheep in the past into something much more attractive, both for humans and wildlife, especially pollinators like flying insects. Last summer my modest efforts to encourage wildflowers seemed hugely popular with the local bee population. Going down there in the mornings and hearing the background buzz of insects going about their business, guzzling their breakfast, brought joy to my heart. So, hopefully, there will be much more this year.

I’m also dealing with family crises involving elderly relatives; walking my dogs a lot; playing with them; feeding them and generally keeping them content.

I occasionally find time to do my day job, which is writing marketing copy on a freelance basis for big firms.

If you’re wondering why the need for a ‘now’ page… there’s more info right here. If you have a website, maybe you should have one too.