Vampires and zombies, hackers and humans – why can’t they all just ‘get along’?


Operation ComplianceIf you’re out looking for new writers, new fiction or new types of story telling then… there are a million and one places you could start. It’s overwhelming, in fact, because the sheer volume of books being released these days is staggering.

One of the best ways to seek out new fiction, however, is the Kindle Scout program – where you can read the opening of a novel and decide whether it’s something you would like to continue – and if so, vote for it.

If you’re a van of vampires, or zombies, or vampires and zombies taking on each other with some live humans thrown in as an appetiser, all in a dystopian setting, then check out ‘Operation Compliance‘ by Bridget Esk. There’s a 5,000 opening excerpt available right now on the Kindle Scout site – with a chance to upvote the book if it’s something you’d like to read. (Hint: nominating a book costs you nothing, and you’ll be helping out a writer. You could also get a free copy once it’s published).

And, of course, my own novel ‘Monster Hunters of the Undermire‘ is also on Kindle Scout at the moment. If you have the time to check it out, and maybe even nominate if you like what you see, it would be hugely appreciated.

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