Especially When You’re Young

short story, microfiction

Everyone was sleeping when the bad men came. My mother held me tight – so hard it hurt, but it did no good. The men knocked her down and dragged me away.

Did they kill her? Where was my father? Why we were there, so far from home? I’ll never know. Though I survived, made a life here from necessity. That’s what you do, when you have no choice, especially when you’re young.

If I had a wish, if they’re alive I’d let them know: I lived a life. And I was never lost.

2 comments… add one
  • Sheila hickson Link Reply

    Loved your three books a tribal song tales of the korbia do you have a book 4?

    • Simon Link Reply

      Sheila, thanks for dropping by and for the feedback. There isn’t a book 4 in the Koriba series – yet. But there will be one. I can’t say when, but it’s definitely going to happen soonish. Hopefully by the end of the year (2016). If you sign up for the newsletter, you’ll be notified by email (and there won’t be any spam, or too much material. Probably no more than one or two mailings a year).

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