Short story included in the Awesome Indies compilation

Awesome Allshorts – Lost Days, Lost Ways

Awesome Allshorts – Lost Days, Lost Ways

I’m hugely excited to have had a short story included in a prestigious new compilation: Awesome Allshorts – Lost Days, Lost Ways.

The Awesome Indies sites exists:

to fill the need for quality control in independently published fiction. Their reviewers give Awesome Indies approval (AIA) to books that equal or improve upon the standards of novels published by mainstream publishers.
The website showcases books that meet specific and clearly laid-out standards for quality fiction. Readers can be certain that the listed indie books are well-crafted, well-plotted and engaging. The reviewers are editors, authors and educators with qualifications in creative writing, English literature, journalism or editing.

The Awesome Indies have launched an appropriately awesome new website where you can find the very best in modern independent fiction.

The compilation features 21 different writers from around the world. The stories range from a few hundred words to around 3,000. You can read some of the authors, myself included, talking about their story here.

My own tale in the compilation, ‘Standin’ At The Crossroads, Waitin’ For The Devil To Show,’ (easily the longest title in this or most other compilations) tells the life story of a blues fan who dreams of one day learning to play his beloved harmonica.

Amy Spahn, who also has a short story in the compilation, has blogged about the book here, and kindly say some flattering and generous things about my own contribution.

Another of the authors, Shauna Bickley, has also blogged about the compilation – and the merits of the short story form – here.

And of course, you can buy Awesome Allshorts – Lost Days, Lost Ways at all major ebook stores. A print version will be released within a few weeks.

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