'Outlivers' now live


My latest novel ‘Outlivers,’ a dystopian sci-fi tale for adults and young adults alike, was released on 18th October and is not live on Amazon, iTunes, Smashwords and most other good ebook sites. (It’s not on Kobo at the moment, but they are having all sorts of problems just now…)
Here’s the back cover copy as a taster:

Theia McKai is seventeen, defiant and deadly – an irresistible force in a stagnant world where the old enslave the young.
In a city ringed with fences and choked by surveillance, a privileged, elderly elite owns everything – and everyone. The long years of the outlivers drag on as they cling to power and wealth, refusing to die.
When martial arts prodigy Theia McKai is selected as a ‘companion’ for 200-year-old Rupert Geryon, minister for security, her every instinct is to run, resist, refuse.
Hypnotised, tortured and beaten, she faces a stark choice – submit to the desires of a monstrous old man or fight back and endanger everyone she loves.
Theia risks all to expose the truth about her world. But before unleashing change, first she must confront her greatest enemy. And win the ultimate battle.
Inside herself.

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