‘Short Tales of Big Dog’ part 6 – ‘The Victim’s Tale’

microfiction, Big Dog
This entry is part 6 of 17 in the series Big Dog


The Victim’s Tale

The dog cowered every time a man lifted a stick. He’d been beaten too much, didn’t care who knew it. He whined in his sleep, when alone, when out walking or lying by the fire. He barked madly at anyone who came too close. “Stay back, I’ve been hurt before. I know your kind,” the bark said.

Other times the dog would sit by the door, waiting and hoping that one day someone or something would come and save him. He needed to be rescued. Why did no one come?

Series Navigation<< ‘Short Tales of Big Dog’ part 5 – ‘The Watchful Hound’‘Short Tales of Big Dog’ part 7 – ‘Walking Wounded’ >>
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