My latest novel, Blood Read (Publish And Be Dead) is a crime thriller with a twist of satire and a high body count. It features a serial killer who is bumping off the leading lights of the London book world one by one: editors, agents, reviewers, book bloggers…
It also features a hardened investigative reporter with a chequered past and a habit of getting into trouble with the police, with women and with the world in general.
Now you, lucky reader, can claim a free copy (ebook only). All you have to do is contact me or leave a comment, and it’s on its way. All I ask in return is that you read it soon, within the next couple of weeks, and leave a review ideally on Amazon or Goodreads, or both, or whichever is you favourite bookstore. And on your own blog too, if you post reviews. If you don’t want to review the book, then it goes on sale soon at all good outlets. News on the date is imminent.