‘Blood Read’ launch and first review


Blood-Read-paperback-and-iphoneMy latest novel ‘Blood Read (Publish And Be Dead) has gone live at online retailers all over the place – including Apple, Amazon, Kobo and Barnes and Noble.

The book starts with a freelance investigative reporter, Tom Capgras, turning up for a meeting with a literary agent, hoping for a book deal that will sort out, once and for all, his financial predicaments. Unfortunately for Tom, he finds his newly secured agent hanging from a noose thrown over an oak beam in her office. It looks to all the world like suicide. But Capgras is not so sure. As he digs deeper, he uncovers links to a string of deaths across the London book world, including publishers, editors, even book bloggers, killed for an unkind word.

All the evidence points to one man – a mid-list author of detective tales with a career on the skids. Cast adrift by agents and publishers alike, his dreams thwarted, Arthur Middleton has gone to the dark side and embraced self-publishing. He may be crazed with ambition, but how mad would a man have to be to kill for publicity, for book sales? Mad enough to admit everything on the pages of his latest blockbuster?

As the body count mounts, and the police refuse to take him seriously, Capgras must act alone, defy his critics and get to the truth fast – before the killer gets to him.

You can pick up a copy at your favourite bookstore (print is out but only through Amazon at present). Please don’t forget to leave a review.


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